- Dont smoke. As with the rest of the body, free radicals and other toxins found in cigarette smoke are harmful to the eye, accelerating the aging process particularly in the macular region leading to Age related macular degeneration, which is irreversible and blinding.
- Wear Sunglasses, UV rays age the eye, particularly the lens, leading to early cataract, and the macular giving early macular degeneration.
- Have a regular check-up, preferably with someone who has retinal imaging equipment so they can monitor changes more efficiently.
- Consider dietary supplements such as Macushield.
How do I look
after my eyes?
An eye exam allows to not only check the ocular health of your eyes but also checks more general health issues such as diabetes and hypertension and we use digital retinal photography and the latest 3D scanners to analyse and monitor your eyes over the years and spot any changes often before they otherwise become apparent.

Eye Health Tips
A selection of our private and NHS Optometric services available is listed below:
- A full no-rush eye examination, we allow 40 minutes for each appointment.
- Analysis and discussion of your visual tasks and needs.
- An extensive range of contact lenses including gas permeable, disposable, torics for astigmatism, extended wear and bifocal lenses.
- Dry eye assessment and treatment.
- Visual field examination.
- Assessment of any visual links with learning difficulties.
- A range of magnifiers and advice on their use.
- Frames & Sunglasses, both fashion and more specialist for sport and recreation.
- On-line computerised ordering ensures you get the best quality lenses for your needs.
- As associates of the eyeplan scheme we are able to give its members an unparalleled level of service along with exceptional value if you require glasses or contact lenses.

Simply email with a preferred time and day and we will get back to you with some options.